Monday, February 13, 2012

My initial thoughts

I am not sure what I expected before coming to China, I guess I tried to keep an open mind as I knew things would be a little different to life in England. With that in mind, here are a few of my initial thoughts on China so far...

I was aware of the reported smog in Beijing and I can confirm that it does indeed exist! I have struggled to breath here at times and have developed a horrendous cough, which leads me nicely into my next point - spitting. The Chinese love to spit, for many westerners it is the biggest of all culture shocks as you walk down the street you can often hear someone coughing up and spitting out various organs onto the pavement. Nice.

The people here love to stare at westerners and some even approach you asking to have their photo taken with you, they particularly seem interested in blondes. Now the language barrier does cause some issues, very very few chinese people can speak English and so you often find yourself deep in a conversation that will never go anywhere.

Food - what can I say about the food? Well, I have had both good and bad experiences, generally the food is tasty but I am not always sure as to what exactly I am eating (probably a good thing). If you like rice and noodles then you'd love it here, there's plenty!! They also love vegetables, it is part of every meal which is not necessarily true of meat.

Overall, I like it here. I feel safe, the people are friendly (even if they don't speak my language, thats why I am here I guess) and the food is pretty good if you know where to go. 

One thing is for sure though, I could murder a cup of Yorkshire Tea (other teas are available). 

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